Gib is an integrated management system for libraries, modular and integrated for Microsoft Windows platforms that allows you to maintain multiple databases using MARC.
It is the natural response to the advent of the Internet as a mean of global communication and the consequent challenge to libraries in the information age.

Gib supports authentication using biometric devices and tagging using RFID (dispensing the traditional anti-theft system).



  • E-mail integration;
  • Reporting and statistics;
  • “Collective catalogues” with an
    unlimited number of remotely connected libraries;
  • Issuance of labels required for the technical treatment of bibliographic items and user
  • Teleworking, with access to modules and features from any Internet-connected


  • Standards;
  • Cataloguing
  • OPAC;
  • Circulation management
  • Periodical management
  • Selective dissemination of
  • Administration

1. Search
2. Cataloguing
3. Acquisitions
4. Administration
5. User management
6. Tesauri/Authority
7. Periodicals management
8. Reporting and statistics
9. Circulation
10. Public computers management
11. OPAC for the visually impaired
12. Multimedia with streaming
13. Selective dissemination of information
14. Z39.50 Client and Server
15. Coin acceptor

The gib system addresses all the information processing needs of a library

